Collector Caught Misleading The Canadian Public With Inaccurate Information While Misrepresenting The Facts Leading To Fraud !
Violating Party:
Canadian Collector Kim Pottinger (Mrs Robinson Supervisor) employed by D&A Group Collections.
Misleading The Canadian Public Stating Inaccurate Information While Misrepresenting The Facts Leading To Fraud.
Introduction : The Problem.
A huge problem in the Canadian Market Place are Collection Companies and their employees Misleading The Canadian Public Stating Inaccurate Information While Misrepresenting The Facts Leading To Fraud.
This Canadian Public Investigation focuses on two collectors, Mrs Robinson and Kim Pottinger.
Kim Pottinger is Mrs Robinsons supervisor therefore we will be focusing on Kim Pottinger regarding the above stated violation.
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Please Keep The Following Points In Mind While Listening To The Recorded Conversations:
1) The Bank SOLD your debt days after you signed the Loan Contract. If proof of ownership is not requested and the Bank manages to collect via a collection agency then:
2) Kim Pottinger mentions multiple times in the following recordings that if Walmart Master Card is not on the Canadian Borrowers Credit Report then Walmart together with the collector would be committing FRAUD.
As you will see at the end of the conversation it is proven Walmart Master Card does NOT appear on the Canadian Borrowers Credit Report as a Creditor but another company named Duo Bank Of Canada does.
3) Kim Pottinger states repeatedly, “if a Creditor appears on your Credit Report that is legal proof they own the debt”. We found this is NOT True.
Equifax Lawyer Stephen Schwartz has made it very clear Equifax does NOT verify if the Creditor appearing on a Canadians Credit Report in fact sold the debt or not. Therefore Kim Pottinger statement is …
Very Misleading Inaccurate Information !
4) When Kim Pottinger has NO rebuttal to the Canadian Private Lenders points she repeatedly states” I have never heard of a lender asking for proof of ownership of the debt”. Kim Pottinger again is misleading the Canadian Public by implying her past experience and internal policies trump Canadian Law and Common Sense Business Practices.
Very Misleading Inaccurate Information !
5) Kim Pottinger admits she is well aware debts are bought and sold as a daily practice within the financial Industry.
If Kim Pottinger is aware debts are bought and sold then why can’t she understand how crucial it is for The Canadian Borrower and Private Lender to ask for proof of ownership of the debt.
The Creditor / Walmart Master Card could have sold the debt. Kim Pottinger some how is not grasping this common sense concept.
The Following Example Illustrates The Above Common Sense Concept:
The Canadian Borrower signs a Loan Contract in January.
The Creditor / Bank sells the Wet Ink Loan Contract / Debt without informing The Canadian Borrower in April.
December the Creditor / Bank sends the file to a third party Collector.
The above example illustrates at the time D&A Group creates the original Collections file with the Creditor / Bank the Creditor / Bank would no longer own the debt due to the fact they sold it!
This is why Collectors should be asking the Creditors / Banks for verifiable proof they are in fact still the rightful owners of the debt before they start the collections process.
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The Following Recordings Have So Many Violations Of Inaccurate And Misleading Information We Divided It Up Into 8 Parts.
Following every recording we have supplied a detailed description supplying the time stamps of where Kim Pottinger and Mrs Robinson states misleading inaccurate information committing:
Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud.
Please Feel Free To Scroll Down The Page Skipping The Descriptions And Listen To The Recordings.
1 of 8 Initial Collector Mrs Robinson Realizes She Needs HELP From Her Supervisor.
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Mrs Robinson is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
0:45 Mrs Robinson admits she is aware debts are bought and sold within the Financial Industry as a daily practice. Therefore it should be common sense why the Private Lender would want proof of ownership of the debt. The Bank could have sold it days after the Canadian signed the contract.
1:50 Mrs Robinson implies her past experience and policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices.
Very Misleading Inaccurate Information!
2:30 Mrs Robinson states “the client is fully aware the debt has not been sold”, but the Canadian Borrower served them paperwork stating the exact opposite. Mrs Robinson also states the debt has not been sold but as you will see she has no verifiable proof.
Very Misleading Inaccurate Information!
2:51 Canadian Private Lender asks what confirmation does D&A Group get from the Creditors / Banks to verify the debt was not sold and Walmart Master Card is still in fact the rightful owners of the debt? Mrs Robinson responds:
“We just take the Creditors / Banks word for it “.
3:20 Mrs Robinson responds “We just take the Creditors / Banks word “
Therefore Collector Mrs Robinson together with D&A Group Collections have NO Verifiable Proof that Walmart Master Card is in fact the rightful owner of the debt. Walmart Master Card could have sold the debt at an earlier date without informing the Canadian Borrower, The Collector (Mrs Robinson / Kim Pottinger) and Management of D&A Group!
This is very unprofessional and irresponsible considering Mrs Robinson, Kim Pottinger and D&A Group admittedly are well aware debts are bought and sold!
The Canadian Borrower signs a Loan Contract January.
The Creditor / Bank sells the Wet Ink Loan Contract / Debt without informing The Canadian Borrower in April.
December the Creditor / Bank sends the file to a third party Collector.
The above example illustrates at the time D&A Group creates the original Collections file with the Creditor / Bank they would have already sold the debt!
Considering Mrs Robinson and D&R Group admitted they are well aware debts are bought and sold as a daily practice within the Financial Industry, they still do NOT verify the Bank is in fact still the rightful owner of the debt before starting the Collection process.
Very irresponsible Business Practices and Inaccurate Misleading Information!
4:40 Mrs Robinson is confusing two very different issues.
One issue is she keeps retreating back to the statement that she together with D&A Group is authorized to collect on behalf of Walmart Master Card.
She is having a hard time understanding we are NOT questioning they are authorized to collect but if they have verifiable proof their Client ( Walmart Master Card) is in fact still the rightful owner of the debt.
This seems very odd Mrs Robinson admits of being aware debts are bought and sold daily within the Financial Industry but cannot see how crucial it is for The Canadian Private Lender to verify if Walmart Master Card sold the debt. Mrs Robinson train of thought is simply not logical!
5:08 Mrs Robinson’s answer is “no” when asked if she read the paperwork within the file The Canadian Borrower served D&A Group asking for proof of ownership of the debt? Very unprofessional!
The result is the Canadian Private Lender asks to speak to a supervisor and Mrs Robinson agrees.
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2 of 8 Kim Pottinger (Supervisor) Misleading inaccurate Information
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
1:06 Kim Pottinger implies her past experience and policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices. Very misleading and inaccurate information!
1:25 Kim Pottinger is now for the first time viewing the paperwork served to D&A Group from the Canadian Borrower requesting proof of ownership of the debt. It becomes painfully obvious she has no idea of whats going on.
2:13 The Canadian Private Lender explains they are NOT questioning if you have authorization from Walmart Master Card to collect. We are requesting proof that Walmart Master card is in fact still the rightful owner of the debt? Kim Pottinger cannot distinguish between these two very different issues.
2:55 Once again Kim implies her past experience and policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices. Very misleading inaccurate information!
3:20 to 3:55 Kim Pottinger implies the Canadian Borrower should just take her and D&A Group word for it.
In a commercial transaction that is ridiculous! The Canadian Borrower together with the Private Lender has every right to ask the Bank to produce verifiable proof they are in fact the rightful owner of the debt.
3:50 Kim Pottinger states “if Walmart Master Card is on D&A Group collection paperwork then Walmart Master Card must still own the debt”. This is very misleading inaccurate information due to the fact the ONLY person who has access to the Banks Accounting Ledgers in order to make that claim is a Chartered Accountant.
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3 of 8 Kim Pottinger Admits That herself, D&A Group and Walmart Master Card could be committing FRAUD!
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
0:01 The Canadian Private Lender asks what proof do you get from Walmart Master Card that they did not sell the debt?
0:27 Kim Pottinger mentions that Walmart Master Card would be committing fraud if they tried collecting on a debt they no longer own.
This is the proof Kim Pottinger would like the Canadian Borrower and Private Lender to accept that Walmart Master Card owns the debt. Again that is ridiculous! In a commercial transaction such as this one Walmart Master Card is required to produce verifiable proof they are still in fact the rightful owner of the debt when requested by a Canadian Borrower and Private Lender!
1:03 Kim again mentions that Walmart Master Card would be committing fraud attempting to collect on a debt they sold. WE AGREE !
1:25 Kim again says SHE can put it in writing that Walmart owns the debt and that should be proof enough. Again this is ridiculous, she does NOT have access to Walmart Master Card Accounting Ledgers to make that claim. Only The Banks Chartered Accountant has access to Walmart Master Card Accounting Ledgers in order to verify if in fact the debt was sold or not!
1:47 Once again Kim implies her past experience and policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices. Very misleading inaccurate information!
2:10 Again Kim Pottinger admits they Do NOT ask for proof from any of their Clients (CREDITORS / BANKS) if they are still in fact the rightful owner of the debt. They just take their word for it. Very irresponsible Business Practices!
2:16 Kim States “The fact they assigned it here makes it legally their debt to assign.”. That is one of the most inaccurrate / misleading statements I have ever heard and is simply untrue!
Again Kim Pottinger is asking the Canadian Borrower and Private Lender to simply take her and D&A Group word for it. This is ridiculous considering this is a commercial transaction. They are required to produce verifiable proof from the Banks Chartered Accountant the debt in fact still appears on the Accounting Ledgers and has not been sold.
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4 of 8 Kim Pottinger Illogical Ridiculous Solution!
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
0:25 Kim states “if the problem is you do not want to give us the money then pay the card themselves”. Once again The Private Lender has to state the obvious. We are not questioning if Walmart Master Card authorized D&A Group to collect, the issue is we are requesting proof of ownership of the debt in order to verify the debt was NOT sold.
1:37 Kim again states “proof of ownership of the debt is because they appear on her internal paperwork”. The Canadian Private Lender simply states “No that is not proof”. Very inaccurate misleading information!
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5 of 8 Kim Pottinger Surprises Private Lender With An Unannounced Call To The Canadian Borrower Creating A Three Way Call and it BACK FIRES ON HER!
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
0:01 Kim Pottinger calls the Canadian Borrower creating a three way call with The Canadian Private Lender.
0:28 Kim Pottinger solution is to pay the card directly. This is ridiculous due to the fact logically how does paying the card directly prove Walmart Master Card did not sell the debt.
Very inaccurate misleading information.
0:43 Kim Pottinger clearly admits she is well aware Banks Buy and Sell Debt. If she is well aware debts are bought and sold then why can she NOT comprehend why The Canadian Private Lender and Borrower would request verifiable proof Walmart Master Card did not sell the debt. Logically she is making no sense while stating misleading and inaccurate information!
0:48 Again Kim admits if Walmart Master Card and the Collection Company she works for (D&A Group) is attempting to collect on a debt that was sold means they are breaking the law (Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud).
1:02 Again Kim Pottinger is making the claim, because the Collection Letter has Walmart Master Card on it as the Creditor this is proof they own the debt. That is ridiculous and Misleading inaccurate information!
1:21 again she states “because the collection paperwork has Walmart Master Card name on it then they own the debt”. For Kim Pottinger to continuously retreat to such a ridiculous claim illustrates how weak her argument is.
1:39 The Canadian Borrower asks why can’t Walmart Master Card provide proof?
Kim Pottinger answer proves she does NOT understand the concept of Verifiable Proof of ownership of the debt. Again she states because it says Walmart on the internal collection paperwork. This Is Ridiculous and misleading Inaccurate Information!
2:15 Kim Pottinger states “it would be too difficult for Walmart Master Card to prove” and the Private Lender asks why? She cannot answer the question so resorts back to imply because she has never heard of proof of ownership of the debt that her past experience and policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices. Very Misleading Inaccurate Information!
2:30 Again she admits it would be breaking the Law if they are trying to collect on a debt they no longer own. We Agree 100% with this statement!
2:59 Kim Pottinger clearly admits it is D&A Group Business Practice NOT to request proof the Creditor / Bank owns the debt before they started the collection process.
Therefore they could be collecting on behalf of the wrong entity which is exactly what is proven to be the case here.
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6 of 8 Kim Pottinger Caught Misleading The Canadian Borrower With Inaccurate Information!
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
0:10 Kim now tells the Canadian Borrower she should call and ask Walmart. The Canadian Borrower response is I did and Walmart Master Card could not provide proof of ownership of the debt.
:032 Kim answers with well then that is proof they did not sell the debt… That is Crazy!
1:03 Kim Pottinger says desperately “no one bought it!”. Our response is then simply produce verifiable proof it was not sold! This is simply accomplished by producing a sworn affidavit from a Chartered Accountant stating they viewed the Accounting Ledgers and the debt was not sold. Very simple for the Bank to produce considering they employ many Chartered Accountants.
1:15 The Private Lender States “they could have sold the debt and did not inform you”. This statement stumps her and she has no response so she quickly puts the Canadian Borrower and Private Lender on hold to collect her thoughts and speak to her supervisor.
This allows The Canadian Private Lender and Borrower to have an amazing discussion illustrating how illogical Kim Pottinger has been through this whole conversation!
1:26 to 2:48 The Canadian Private Lender reiterates an amazing recap of how simple the request for proof of ownership is while waiting for Kim to return to the conversation.
2:52 Kim Pottinger returns to the conversation and admits they cannot provide verifiable proof the debt was not sold but some how insists her position is correct via Bully Tactics.
Very Inaccurate Misleading Information!
3:00 to 3:27 the Private Lender gives a stellar explanation of proof of ownership of the debt so Kim just ignores him.
3:49 Kim Pottinger once again illustrates she can’t comprehend the concept of proof of ownership of the debt so she once again implies her past experience and internal policies trumps Canadian Laws and Common sense Business Practices.
Very Inaccurate Misleading information!
4:20 Kim simply tries to Bully The Canadian Borrower stating loads of inaccurate misleading information!
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7 of 8 Kim Pottinger And D&A Group Caught Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To FRAUD !
The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Kim Pottinger is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:
Kim in the above recording is stating all inaccurate / misleading information on how to get verifiable proof the debt was not sold
At the end of the above conversation Kim Pottinger states very clearly to the Canadian Borrower to check their Credit Report and if Walmart Master Card does NOT appear as the Creditor then The Private Lender has a valid point.
So We Checked And Walmart Does NOT Appear On The Credit Report But The Creditor They Sold The Debt To Dou Bank Of Canada Does !!!
As Kim Pottinger of D&A Group stated this would be considered Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud!
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8 of 8 Kim Pottinger And D&A Group 100% Proved Wrong!
Again Kim states very misleading inaccurate information.
Keep in mind after the conversation the Borrower checked their Credit Report and Walmart did not appear as Creditor but another lender does!
Kim Pottinger states, “proof of ownership can be verified by looking at the Credit Report”.
We did more investigation on this point. Equifax Lawyer Stephen Schwartz was very clear that Equifax does NOT Verify if Creditors reporting on Canadian Credit Reports are in fact the rightful owners of the debt. They just take the Creditors word for it.
Therefore What Kim Is Saying Is Simply NOT True!
3:00 she says it confirms the debt was not sold because it appears on the collections paperwork. Again what Kim Pottinger statement is simply NOT TRUE !
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