Vice President Stu Barnes & Collector Lisa Aiello Of MJR Capital Services Inc – Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To FRAUD : Phone: 1 866 612 7045 ext 464


The Banks Are Selling Your Debt And Not Telling You!

But Even More Sinister:  Attempting to collect debts they no longer own by Bully Tactics and use of misleading inaccurate information otherwise known as: 

Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud!


Vice President Stu Barnes of MJR Capital Services Inc Caught  Misleading The Canadian Public With Inaccurate Information While Misrepresenting The Facts Leading To Fraud !




Official Canadian Public Investigation


Violator :  Vice President Stu Barnes of  MJR Capital Services Inc Phone: 1 866 612 7045 ext 464

Violation :  Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud.


Before Moving Forward Please Make Sure To Understand The Following Four Brief Informational Links:

The following Links appear on ALL Investigation Posts within this Blog.  If you have already read the informational links on a previously viewed Investigation then SKIP THE LINKS and continue to the Investigation below :


1) The Bank Sold Your Debt And Are NOT Telling YOU … They Are Simply Servicing The Debt ! 

2) The Bank Could Be Paid Twice For The Same Loan !

3) Legally What Is Verifiable Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt!

4) Many Links Proving Banks Sell Your Debt  


If you understand the above Links CONGRATULATIONS, you NOW have more knowledge of the Financial Industry than most Bank Employees & Collectors.

Let’s Get Started!

Introduction : The Problem.

A huge problem in the Canadian Market Place are Collection Companies and their employees Misleading The Canadian Public Stating Inaccurate Information While Misrepresenting  The Facts Leading To Fraud.

This Canadian Public Investigation focuses on, Lisa Aiello and Vice President Stu Barnes of MJR Capital Services Inc . 

Stu Barnes is Lisa Aiello supervisor therefore we will be focusing on Stu Barnes regarding the above stated violation.


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or email us at [email protected] . 


How Is It Possible A Vice President Of A Collection Company Does Not Understand The Concept Of Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt!


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The Following Is A Recording Of Collector Lisa Aiello transferring a Canadian Private Lender to her supervisor Stu Barnes Vice President of  MJR Capital Services Inc . 

Vice President Stu Barnes Of MJR Capital Services FAILS Miserably In The Following Canadian Public Investigation by Illustrating he does NOT understand the concept of Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt!  


The following are time stamps of the above recording pin pointing where the Collector Lisa Aiello & Vice President Stu Barnes is stating inaccurate and / or misleading information:


0:28 Lisa  Aiello states she never received a letter explaining the Conveyance Conditions.  This is inaccurate misleading statement due to the fact in a previously recorded call Lisa Aiello read out loud the letter she says she never received.

Very Misleading Inaccurate Information!


0:47 Lisa Aiello again refers to the fact she does NOT understand the concept of proof of ownership of the debt.  Even though she admits she is well aware within the Financial Industry debts are  bought and sold as a daily business practice. 

Without Verifiable Proof  RBC is in fact still the rightful owner of the debt, simply put RBC could have sold the debt WITHOUT NOTIFYING the Canadian Borrower or The Collectors at MJR Capital Services Inc.

Lisa Aiello  implies The Canadian Borrower and Private Lender should just take MJR Capital Services Inc word for it via a letter.  This is ridiculous due to in a commercial transaction such as this one the Bank MUST produce Verifiable Proof

1:21 Lisa Aiello states she can get a letter stating she is an Authorized Agent to collect on behalf RBC . 

How does Lisa Aiello verifying she is Authorized to collect the debt Prove RBC did not sell the debt?

It Does NOT!

The only entity who could make the claim the debt was not sold is one of RBC Chartered Accountant who has access to RBC Accounting Ledgers. 

1:30 The Private Lender once again clearly explains what proof of ownership of the debt is,  Lisa Aiello has no response and seems to be rattled.


1:55 The Legal definition of Verifiable Proof of ownership of the debt the Canadian Private Lender provides definitely rattled Lisa Aiello, so she  places the Canadian Private Lender on hold for approx 5 min (which we deleted from the recording) in order to get the Vice President of MJR Capital Services Inc Stu Barnes.

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2:03 Lisa Transfers Canadian Private Lender to Stu Barnes Vice President of MJR Capital inc.

2:45 Stu Barnes Vice President admits he is aware debts are bought and sold as a daily practice within the Financial Industry.

3:10 The Canadian Private Lender clearly explains what verifiable proof of ownership of the debt is.

3:41 Stu Barns (Vice President) states if a Creditor appears on Equifax Credit Report then this is proof the Creditor owns the debt. 

We researched the above statement and found it is NOT TRUE!

Equifax Lawyer Stephen Schwartz has made it very clear Equifax does NOT verify if the Creditor appearing on a Canadians Credit Report in fact sold the debt or not.  Therefore Vice President Stu Barnes statement is …

Very Misleading Inaccurate Information !

3:45 Stu Barnes Vice President states he can get a letter from an RBC employee (who is NOT a Chartered Accountant)  stating that RBC still owns the debt.   

If the Employee is NOT one of RBC Chartered Accountants then how can they possibly make this claim.  They would not have access to RBC Accounting Ledgers

Therefore what Stu Barns is implying is the Canadian Public should just take the Banks word that they did not sell the debt. 

That Is Ridiculous Considering …

the 2008 World Financial Crash was admittedly caused by Bankers selling debts irresponsibly to the World Market  (Securitization). 

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4:12 Vice President Stu Barnes starts to implement Bully Tactics.  He says even though they can NOT produce Verifiable Proof  RBC is in fact still the rightful owners of the debt they will escalate action to collect !

How can Stu Barnes Vice President of MJR Capital Services inc continue to collect on a debt that he has NO Verifiable Proof  RBC is in fact still the rightful owner of the debt. 

The above Statement PROVES Stu Barnes and Lisa Aiello of MJR Capital Services Inc is committing the crime of:

Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To Fraud!


4:39 Vice President Stu Barnes says it is unrealistic for a Creditor (RBC in this situation) to be able to produce verifiable proof they are in fact still the rightful owner of the debt.

That Is CRAZY!  Of course the Creditor (RBC in this situation) MUST produce Verifiable Proof they are still in fact the rightful owner of the debt.

If RBC sold the debt and MJR Capital Services inc collects this would mean …


What is unrealistic is asking The Canadian Borrower and Private Lender to hand over money to RBC who can NOT prove they are in fact still the rightful owner of the debt.

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4:58 Once again Vice President Stu Barnes starts to implement Bullying Tactics stating we will carry on with the collection calls to the Canadian Borrower even though we can NOT Prove  RBC is in fact still the rightful owners of the debt. 

To continue to call the Canadian Borrower under these circumstances would be considered HARASSMENT and furthermore:

Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To FRAUD!

5:15 Vice President Stu Barnes states ” RBC has never sold a debt”

This Statement Is Simply Untrue! 

Keep in mind when reading the following link that “securitization” is another term for selling the debt to the World Market.

Here is a link proving RBC is heavily invested in securitization of all kinds of debts therefor Vice President Stu Barnes statement is UNTRUE !


Furthermore The Canadian Private Lender explains, if Stu Barnes is positive RBC did not sell the debt then Why Can’t They Prove It!

To prove they are still in fact the rightful owners of the debt is simply having one of RBC Chartered Accountants to provide in writing they viewed RBC Accounting Ledgers and the debt still appears on the ledgers and has not been sold. 

Why Can’t RBC Prove They Own The Debt ! 

5:27 Vice President Stu Barnes states he will get his RBC employee contact to provide a letter stating RBC is in fact still the rightful owners of the debt BUT it will NOT be from a Chartered Accountant.

Once again RBC Chartered Accountants are the ONLY employees who have access to the Accounting Ledgers to make the claim that they viewed RBC Accounting Ledgers and the debt still appears on the ledgers and has not been sold.

6:00 Stu Barnes Again states “the signed letter won’t be from a Chartered Accountant”. 

Again Stu Barnes is implying all Canadians should just take the word of MJR Capital Services Inc and RBC when transferring thousands of dollars of the Private Lenders hard earned money. 

If the Private Lender Forwarded funds without doing their due diligence this would be considered an inexperienced irresponsible business decision on the part of the Private Lender. 

Not To Mention RBC Would Be PAID TWICE For The Same Loan ! 

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In a commercial transaction simply taking the word of an employee that the debt was not sold who is NOT a Chartered Accountant is NOT Verifiable Proof!

6:07 Once again Vice President Stu Barnes states  “RBC has never ever sold any debt”.   

This Statement Is Simply Untrue ! 

Keep in mind when reading the following link that “Securitization” is another term for Selling The Debt to the World Market.

Here is a link proving RBC is heavily invested in securitization of all kinds of debts therefor Vice President Stu Barnes statement is untrue. 


This would be considered : 

Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To FRAUD! 


6:15 Again Stu Barnes states he can only get an Employee who does NOT have access to the Accounting Ledgers to provide a letter stating  the debt was not sold.  If they do NOT have access to the Accounting Ledgers how can they possibly make this claim.  The only entity who can make this claim is on of RBC Chartered Accountants.

Very inaccurate misleading information leading to the crime of:

Misrepresentation Of The Facts Leading To FRAUD!


6:34 The Private Lender has to once again explain the letter from an Employee who is NOT a Chartered Accountant is NOT verifiable proof and will NOT be sufficient.

7:10 Vice President Stu Barnes of MJR Capital Services Inc calls Legal Verifiable proof of ownership of the debt outlandish!

That Is CRAZY!

How Is It Possible STU BARNES Vice President Of A Collection Company Does Not Understand The Concept Of Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt!

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Here is a link to an in depth explanation of how the Canadian Banks Have SOLD YOUR DEBT And Are Not Telling You!


To Apply This Information To Your Own Situation Call or Text (250) 306 7487  

or email us at [email protected] . 


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